Taking a Leap of Faith…or Whatever

At the beginning of 2023, my husband gave me an ultimatum. Publish your book by September or…well, or nothing. I guess it wasn’t so much an ultimatum. More like a request. With force. I had decided a while ago to self publish but after looking into how much money it actually costs to release a book, I kind of put the idea on hold. I kept pushing it off. Saying we couldn’t afford it. Cause I’m cheap. And terrified.

How exactly do artists put their work out into the world on a regular basis and not constantly throw up? I just sent my novel to a copyeditor like two days ago and I’m dying inside. She will be the first person to read it who doesn’t already love me. Meaning, she isn’t obligated to tell me it’s good. What if it sucks? What if she hates it? I mean, I realize I’m not paying her to tell me if it’s good or not but still. I. Am. Dying.

Anyway, I’ve chosen the company I want to use to publish and have taken the first steps to actually doing it. The plan is to use this blog to chronicle my journey from almost throwing up at just the idea of anyone who isn’t related to me reading the book to maybe one day actually holding my book in my hand. So friends, let’s see how this goes…


It’s Really Happening (I think)